Ayurvedic treatment for Uric Acid includes getting classical Panchakarma therapies, altering diet, doing daily yoga, pranayama, and more. Choosing the best ayurvedic hospital is key in receiving Ashtavaidyan based treatments. Hence, to get effective treatment of Uric Acid in Ayurveda, book a slot at Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam and call 7901778899.
Before coming to all the Uric Acid treatment in Ayurveda offered at VVAC, let’s know about the problem of Uric Acid, its causes, signs, and home remedies.
Understanding Uric Acid, It’s Causes, Signs & Warnings
Basically, Uric Acid is the byproduct of purines breakdown process found in certain drinks and foods. It is not the normal levels of Uric Acid that cause problems in the body, it is the high levels that lead to numerous health concerns like gout, kidney stones, joint pain, and more.
Causes of Uric Acid
There are several considerable causes of high uric acid that need immediate professional help. The best and long lasting cure is the Ayurvedic treatment of Uric Acid. Before, knowing all the treatments following are the possible causes –
- High-Purine Diet: As Uric acid is the waste produced in the body during breakdown of purines, consuming high-Purine foods can increase uric acid production. Some of the foods are red meat like mutton, shellfish, sardines, organ meat (liver, kidney, & more), some vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, etc.
- Sugary Beverages and Fructose: High-fructose synthetic corn syrup, high-sugary drinks can trigger high uric acid production.
- Alcohol Consumption: The health seekers who consume high levels of alcohol particularly beer hampers the kidney’s ability to excrete excess uric acid from the body.
- Sedentary Lifestyle: Combination of unhealthy eating and physical inactivity slows down the metabolic rate. It leads to inability of the body to flush out the toxins and accumulate to cause inflammation and other problems.

- Obesity: Excess weight gain increases the production of uric acid and reduces kidney functions that are unable to eliminate the urate crystals build up.
- Excess Protein Intake: Consuming high levels of animal protein increases the uric acid levels in the body.
- Medical Conditions: Kidney disorders, insulin resistance, diabetes, Psoriasis, and high blood pressure are linked to rise in uric acid levels.
- Gender & Age: Men in comparison to women are more prone to high uric acid. However, women in their menopausal stage are more receptive to increased levels of uric acid and its accumulation in the form of urate crystals.
Signs & Warnings of High Uric Acid
Some of the symptoms of uric acid in a health seeker are the following –
- Pain and Swelling: Redness, severe pain, and swelling specifically in the Gout (toe). However, it can also appear in knees, fingers, wrists, and ankles.
- Warm Joints: The affected area due to high uric acid may feel warm when touched.
- Hard Lumps under the skin, around the joints due to uric acid crystal formation.
- Generalized swelling in the body and low-grade fever due to inflammation.
- High uric acid levels can lead to formation of stones that cause shooting pain in the lower abdomen.
- Kidneys try to eliminate excess uric acid through high production of urine. Hence, a health seeker will feel a frequent urge to urinate.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Uric Acid at Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam
If you are suffering from these symptoms from high uric acid levels, visit VVAC to get classical and authentic Panchakarma treatments by senior and well-experienced doctors and therapists. Following are some of the Keraliya Uric acid treatments in Ayurveda that give instant yet long lasting relief from its symptoms. Note that these Panchakarma treatments help in deep detoxification and relieve the symptoms of Hyperuricemia.

Uric Acid Treatment in Ayurveda | How does it benefit? |
Kashaya Vasthi (Medicated Decoction Enema) | At VVAC, therapists from Kerala administer the health seeker with freshly-prepared herbal decoction through rectum to cleanse the colon. This treatment helps in elimination of accumulated toxins (amas), and balances the imbalanced Vata dosha that reduces the uric acid deposition in the joints. |
Thaila Vasthi (Oil Enema) | Medicated oils are used for this Panchakarma therapy for high uric acid Ayurvedic treatment. This treatment lubricates the intestines that balances the Vata doshas, reduces joint inflammation, and pain caused by it. |
Parisheka (Medicated Pouring Therapy) | Herbal decoctions at VVAC are prepared from scratch at our in-house Kashayapura by well-experienced Kashayapura incharge and therapist. In this treatment, warm herbal decoctions are poured over the affected area (inflamed toes, foot, or other parts of the body) Furthermore, through this treatment of uric acid in Ayurveda reduces local inflammation, pain, and swelling in joints. |
Patra Pinda Sweda (Herbal Leaf Bundle Massage) | This Ayurvedic massage uses herbal leaves boiled and processed in medicated oils to form bundles. These bundles are heated and directly applied to affected areas that alleviates joint pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints. After the treatment, the blood circulation in the body improves. |
Nadee Sweda (Herbal Steam Therapy) | The herbal steam to the affected areas relieves stiffness, and reduces uric acid buildup in joints. |
Choorna Pinda Sweda (Herbal Powder Massage) | Dry medicated powders are heated and massaged over the entire body to enhance blood circulation that reduces inflammation. |
Valuka Sweda (Sand Bundle Therapy) | Bundles of sand are prepared, heated, and applied again to affected areas. Known to reduce pain and swelling. |
Pizhichil (Oil Bath Therapy) | At Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam, the therapists pour warm medicated oils over the body and massage it later under the supervision of senior Ayurvedic doctors. It detoxifies the body and relieves a health seeker from joint pain. |
Ksheera Dhara (Medicated Milk Therapy) | When medicated milk is poured over the body or head in a continuous stream reduces inflammation, and stress. (Note: The Milk used in the treatment and diet is collected freshly from the in-house Guashala at VVAC) Alos, this ensures high-quality and pure milk. |
Dhanyamla Dhara (Medicated Fermented Liquid Therapy) | The body gets poured by warm and fermented herbal fluids that reduces stiffness caused by uric acid accumulation. |
Rakthamoksham (Bloodletting) | Special Leeches are used to draw the impurities through blood. All The toxins get removed from the bloodstream and reduce high uric acid levels. |
Herbal Remedies for Uric Acid in Ayurveda
Getting Ayurvedic treatment for Uric Acid also includes introducing herbs that can manage and lower high uric acid levels naturally.
- Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) : This herb is a natural diuretic that is known to enhance kidney function.
- Neem (Azadirachta Indica) : The health seekers who want to purify blood should consume neem leaves. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce joint pain.
- Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) : This herb has the potency of balancing Vata doshas that supports joint health and reduces stress that can trigger high uric acid production.
- Kokilaksha : It is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs that eliminates the excess uric acid from the body.
- Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata) : The pain and inflammation caused due to uric acid crystals accumulation can be curbed naturally by consuming Shallaki that contains anti-inflammatory compounds.
- Chirayata (Swertia Chirata) : Although it tastes bitter, this herb detoxifies the liver and blood, which can break down the purines.
- Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia), Triphala, Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul), are some additional herbs that should be incorporated into the diet to not only treat but prevent the condition of high uric acid.
7 Yoga Asanas to Reduce High Uric Acid
Yoga has numerous benefits and can cure not just high Uric Acid levels but promote holistic health. The ayurvedic treatment for uric acid includes practicing daily yoga asanas to improve kidney function, relieves joint stiffness, and enhances metabolism. Let’s look at the seven yoga poses that any health seeker should definitely practice daily.
- Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): If a health seeker stands with feet wide apart and bent sideways, placing one hand on the ankle or the floor, while extending the other arm upwards for 1 minute daily will enhance blood circulation and stretch the muscles. This pose reduces the joint stiffness and improves kidney functions.
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Practising this yoga daily for 1 minute or more promotes detoxification and reduces the inflammation caused by the high Uric Acid levels. Furthermore, it increases the blood flow to the liver and kidneys.
- Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Standing straight on one foot and balancing while the other foot placed on the other inner thigh for 20 to 30 seconds regulates hormonal activities and reduces stress too.
- Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend): This yoga pose helps in stretching of the lower back and stimulates the abdominal organs for optimum functioning. Additionally, it supports the removal process of uric acid crystals.
- Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): Bridge pose is the best yoga pose to reduce Uric Acid by enhancing blood circulation and relieving tensions in the joints. Also, a health seeker will experience less pain caused due to Uric Acid buildup.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose): Practicing this yoga pose daily not only enhances digestion but also detoxifies the kidneys and liver.
- Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose): Known for improving metabolism and supporting deep detoxification that helps in the elimination of Uric Acid through urination.
(Note: For best and noticeable results, it is important to do these yoga asanas daily)
Ayurvedic Tips to Reduce High Uric Acid Levels
Ayurvedic treatment for Uric Acid also includes following some practices daily that helps in keeping these levels in check and not cause other health concerns. According to Ayurveda, maintaining and following proper Dinacharya helps in balancing doshas and managing high Uric Acid levels.
- Keep yourself hydrated and drink warm water throughout the day to flush out toxins and improve kidney function.
- Add herbal teas made with ginger, fennel seeds, lemon juice, turmeric and more to your daily routine.
- Along with practicing daily yoga asanas, also include pranayama (breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Include cherries in your diet as it helps in lowering high uric acid levels due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Massage your body with warm sesame or coconut oil to improve blood circulation in the body.
- Daily meditation for a minimum of 30 minutes helps in reduction of stress that can trigger the condition and is the best ayurvedic treatment for uric acid.