Are you looking for Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda? Do you feel discomfort in your lower back that radiates down into your hips and legs? In that case, you are not alone. Up to 40% of adults experience it at some point in their lives.
Sciatica pain can occasionally flare up and go away. If a flare-up is severe or lasts more than a week, it affects your day-to-day activities.
What is Sciatica?
Sciatica refers to pain that starts in the lower back and radiates through buttocks and down the legs. It occurs when the nerve root in the lumbar spine is compressed. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of the body at a time.
Although each person’s experience is different, sciatica usually affects the legs, feet, back, or butt. Symptoms may occur constantly or intermittently.
Depending on the location of sciatic nerve pain, the following are common symptoms of sciatica:
- Low back pain
- Pain in the leg that worsens when sitting
- Burning or tingling sensation in leg
- Difficulty while walking on your toes
- Numbness or loss of sensation in the foot or leg
- Persistent or severe pain on one side of the back, leg, or hip
- Loss of reflexes and difficulty in mobility
- Worsening pain with specific activities
- Muscle weakness
Although the exact cause of sciatica varies from person to person, it may be due to an injury or aging. Some of the common causes include-
- Lumbar herniated disc: The herniated disc or an overgrowth of bone typically compresses one or more spinal nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve.
- Degeneration of tissue: There are numerous ways in which degeneration of the lumbar spine’s tissues might compress or irritate the sciatic nerve roots.
- Lumbar spinal stenosis: The narrowing of the spinal canal, known as lumbar spinal stenosis. Studies indicate that sciatica in older people can often be caused by lateral recess stenosis.
- Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a small stress fracture causes one vertebral body to slip forward over the other. Bilateral sciatica can result from spondylolisthesis, which is more common in younger people.
- Pregnancy: The increased growth of the uterus during pregnancy puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.
- Piriformis Syndrome: The Piriformis muscle, located in the buttocks can sometimes become tight or spasm that compress the sciatic nerve. It gets worsened by sitting for long periods or climbing stairs.
- Trauma or Injury: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can cause damage to the spine or sciatic nerve, which may radiate down the leg.
- Infections: Spinal infections can cause inflammation and pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to severe back pain.
Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda
As per Ayurvedic text, its features closely resemble the Gridhrasi which is classified as a Nanatmaja Vataja Vikara (having the involvement of one only Dosha). The pain in Gridhrasi starts in the hip and radiates towards Kati (back), Uru (thigh), Jaanu (knee), Jangha (calf), and Pada (foot). The word Gridhrasi generally suggests the patient’s stride, which resembles that of a vulture because of the patient’s radiating pain. Modern medicine has limitations in that it can only provide temporary pain relief and can have side effects when used for the long term. In Ayurveda, Gridhrasi can be effectively managed with Panchakarma procedures and oral medication.

Ayurveda treatments for sciatic pain include a set of systematic treatments. The top Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda includes Bastikarma, Siravedha, and Agnikarma along with medications consisting of natural herbs. The natural herbs have the properties of Ama Pachana, which helps in reducing inflammation of the joints, followed by Shodhana, which involves the removal of deeply deposited toxins in the body, and Brahman i.e. rejuvenation of damaged parts or cartilage.
The results of these treatments were found to be very positive. After completion of therapy, you may experience improvement in mobility and relief from pain.
Best Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda at Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam
VVAC is affiliated with Vaidyaratnam with a historical background since 1941. For efficient management of chronic diseases, VVAC offers medical modalities that have been scientifically and traditionally proven. The hospital is situated in Baddi, approximately a 50-minute drive from Chandigarh.
The Ashtavaidyans (Ayurvedic physicians of Kerala and masters of the eight branches of Ayurveda) at VVAC offer specific treatment to each individual depending on body constitution. The expert at the hospital recommends lifestyle modification, diet, yoga, herbal therapy, and even spiritual practice to restore and maintain balance of body and mind. They consider every individual as unique and the treatment is based on the defined constitution.
For personalized treatment, we have over 100 varieties of medicinal oils and 600 types of Ayurvedic medications formulated by Vaidyaratnam. The hospital has a refreshing environment of lush green area which is very effective in relieving stress and promoting recovery. At VVAC, Ayurvedic treatments for sciatica focus on strengthening the nervous system, identifying the underlying cause of the condition, and reducing pain. A customized combination of treatments is the most effective Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda.

Popular Panchkarma therapies for Sciatica at VVAC
- Sarvanga Abhyanga (Full body massage): Abhyanga with medicated oil has been praised as Vata Shamaka and is extremely beneficial for sciatica pain and stiffness.
- Patra Pinda Swedana (Ela kizhi): Patra Pinda Swedana is the practice of applying heat and then causing perspiration with a heated pack of specific herbal leaves. It works efficiently in painful conditions when Vata Dosha vitiation is predominant.
- Kati Basti: Kati Basti is a soothing Panchkarma therapy where a significant amount of warm medicated oil is retained on your lower back to relieve pain, stiffness, and swelling. Kati Basti (Basti) is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy indicated in various disorders of lower backache and lumbosacral region.
- Swedana (Herbal Steam Therapy): Swedana involves the use of herbal steam to induce sweating, which helps in relieving stiffness, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation. Also, it promotes pain relief and enhances the elimination of toxins through sweat.
- Take a diet rich in whole grains, unprocessed foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fatty fish (such as salmon), and soluble and insoluble fiber may be effective in reducing inflammation.
- Stay away from processed meats, fries, and onion rings since they are rich in fat and cause inflammation.
- Pizzas, bread, and pasta are regarded as meals to avoid if one has sciatica because of their high gluten content, which can lead to inflammation and trouble with digestion for some individuals.
- Unhealthy lipids like trans fats are produced when vegetable oils are hydrogenated. Consuming trans fats can raise dangerously high LDL cholesterol levels, which can worsen inflammation.
- Anti-Inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, leafy green vegetables, berries, and many more reduce inflammation and pain in the sciatic nerve.
- Avoid Vata-Aggravating foods that are cold, dry, and light. As it can lead to increased pain and discomfort.
Yoga Poses for Sciatica Pain Ayurvedic Treatment
- Child’s Pose (Balasana)
- Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
- Knees-to-Chest Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
- Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
- Legs-Up-the-Wall pose (Viparita Karani)
- Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
- Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
- Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
- Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Natural Herbs used in Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs used in sciatica as it has anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. It strengthens the ligaments, back muscles and spine.
- Guggulu (Commiphora mukul): Guggulu is a potent herb with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that aids in improving joint flexibility and reducing pain in the lumbar region.
- Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): Nirgundi has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in reducing pain caused due to various reasons. Nirgundi oil is used for massage to reduce swelling and sprains.
- Rasana (Pluchea lanceolata): Rasana has Tikta Rasa, Kapha-Vata hara and has spasmolytic & analgesic properties. Applying Rasna powder paste or massaging the lower back with Rasna oil helps reduce pain and inflammation due to its Vata-balancing properties.
- Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata): Shallaki has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and reduces pain in the joints and muscles.
- Ginger (Zingiber Officinale): Consumption of Ginger reduces pain and inflammation.
- Dashamoola, Devdaru (Cedrus Deodara), Eranda (Ricinus Communis) and many more.
Q1) What is the best sciatica treatment in Ayurveda?
Ayurvedic treatments including Panchakarma, herbal medicines, dietary modifications and yoga are among the most effective methods of treating sciatica.
Q2) Can Ayurveda cure sciatica permanently?
Ayurvedic treatments are generally beneficial in the management of sciatica. Ayurveda aims to reduce pain, promote healing, and relieve the symptoms of sciatica. The degree of improvement depends on the person’s body type and the severity of the disease.
Q3) How long does Ayurveda take to treat Sciatica?
Ayurveda helps in providing quick relief from pain and is more beneficial and without any side effects like modern medicines. Ayurvedic treatment generally takes four to five weeks depending upon the severity of the condition.
Q4) Are Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda for everyone?
Although Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe, it is important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Some products used in Sciatic Ayurvedic medicine contain minerals, metals, herbs, or other substances that may be unsafe if used improperly or without consulting a qualified professional.
Q5) Can prolonged sitting causes sciatica?
Sitting for long periods and lack of physical activity can increase the risk of sciatica. Sciatica is caused by prolonged sitting as it puts pressure on the back and vertebrae.
Q6) What are lifestyle recommendations as Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda?
Avoid prolonged sitting or standing and take frequent breaks to move around and stretch. Further, use proper techniques when lifting objects to avoid straining your back. Don’t forget to get enough rest and sleep to allow the body to heal and recover.