Vaidyaratnam Group has established its journey of eight decades through the practice and propagation of Ayurveda with the legacy & Ashtavaidya tradition. Vaidyaratnam has created several diverse streams in field of Ayurvedic practices like Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre, Educational programmes and Pharmaceutical domains.
Vaidyaratnam has an Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit located in Thaikkattussery, Thrissur. It endeavours to meticulously research and formulate standardized products of the highest quality. It was set up to provide the best quality product to their patients. In 2003 it was upgraded as a WHO-GMP certified manufacturing facility and accredited with ISO Certification.
To keep the relevance and efficiency of Ayurveda alive with sophisticated modern equipment. The majority of the classical products align with Ashtavaidya traditional products and patented ethical practices.
Vaidyaratnam provides the best product with strong Research & Development efforts ensuring the predictable therapeutic benefits with safety to alleviate human sufferings. Extensive R & D Outcome is the development of formulations with distinct advantages for various therapeutic groups.
Vaidyaratnam has R&D center with pharmacognosy lab, phytochemistry lab, wet analysis, microbiology lab, instrumentation lab, pre-formulation lab and well-equipped product development lab. It offers a separate well equipped pilot plant for New Drug and Technology development, for further enriching the clinical studies.
The Vaidyaratnam Museum provides a rich heritage of Ayurveda and represents the evolution of Ayurveda heritage right from the mythological era to the contemporary period. It has all the relevant information regarding Ayurveda portrayed in a scientific and systematic manner through a multimedia experience including artifacts, sculptures, scriptures and pictures.
Vaidyaratnam Nursing Home, an NABH accredited institution, situated at Thaikkattussery, Thrissuraims. The main aim is to serve society by providing classical Ayurvedic medicines and authentic Ayurvedic treatments & therapies. It is a paradise of serenity amidst a uniquely rural setting, yet offers advanced treatment facilities.
The Vaidyaratnam nursing home is accredited by the Ministry of Health and Family affairs, Govt of India, for providing reimbursement of in–patient expenses.
Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College was founded by the late Shri. Ashtavaidyan E.T. Neelakandhan Mooss in 1976. It is one of the leading institutions in the educational topography of India, providing excellent education in Ayurveda.The college is affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences and offers B.A.M.S. degree (Ayurveda Acharya) and Post Graduate College offers Post Graduate Programme (MD) in Kayachikitsa. Admission to the course is through NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) conducted by CBSE under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
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