Ayurvedic Panchakarma

Panchkarma Therapies

With over 5,000 years of history, Ayurveda has given the world a comprehensive body of knowledge and practice that permeates the field of naturopathy. It has offered many natural therapeutic methods to overcome diseases and stay healthy. One of Ayurveda’s most important branches is thought to be panchakarma. Panchakarma therapy is a five-step process for the body to get cleansed inside out and rejuvenates.

History of Panchakarma Therapy

Ayurvedic treatments consist of two main components: Shaman Chikitsa (pacifying therapy) and Shodhana Chikitsa (bio-cleansing therapy).

Panchakarma therapy falls under the first category as it is a bio-cleansing regimen and intended to balance the vitiated doshas and eliminate the toxic elements from the body. It is an extensive process that enhances the body’s immunity. Superiority and efficacy of Panchakarma is corroborated in text books of Ayurveda.

Panchakarma is executed in three stages

Pradhanakarma: In main treatment, Pradhanakarma, involves five types of advanced therapies for expulsion of vitiated Doshas. This is the main treatment stage which essentially relates to the term Panchakarma.

Paschatkarma: The final stage is Paschatkarma, where a rehabilitation strategy that includes dietary, and lifestyle modifications is prescribed to prevent recurrence of the disease.

What is Panchakarma Treatment?

The Pancha (Five) Karma (Action) mainly involves five types of advanced therapies for expulsion of vitiated Doshas (toxins or impurities) from the body. They are Vaman (therapeutic emesis), Virechan (therapeutic purgation), Nasyam (Instillation of medicine through nostrils), Basti (Medicated enema) and Raktmokshan (blood-letting). Panchakarma is believed to help cleanse the toxins from the cellular level and also prevents the formation as well as the deposition of toxins in the body. Panchakarma is the most eminent branch of Ayurveda and it lives up to its reputation.

Benefits of Panchkarma

Vamana (therapeutic emesis)

Vamana Karma means to induce therapeutic vomiting to expel out the toxins from upper cavities of body through oral route. Before Vamana therapy, a patient is given Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (fomentation) treatments for few days to melt the toxins. It is administered for the purification of upper part of the body. Vaman therapy is particularly indicated for Kapha dominated conditions, such as hyperacidity, psoriasis, weight gain, asthma, and chest congestion.

Virechan (Purgation therapy)

Virechan is one of the Panchakarma therapies wherein purgation of toxins happens through the anal route. It is done after Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (fomentation) therapies. Virechan is induced by purgative herbs and it specifically aims at the elimination of excessive Pitta Dosha from the body. Virechan treatment helps to clear the guts which aids in purification and removes toxins from the body. Virechan treatment is prescribed fundamentally for high Pitta conditions, such as herpes zoster, colitis, skin disorders, blisters, abscess, liver disorders, celiac infection etc.

Basti (Medicated Enema)

According to Ayurvedic classical literature, Basti is the prime treatment in Shodhana and is considered as one of the most important treatments for many chronic ailments. In Basti Karma the medicated oil or herbal decoction is administered through the anal Route and this have incredible positive effects. It is the best treatment modality for all types of dominated conditions such as arthritis, piles, constipation, gout, splenomegaly, slipped disc, spondylosis, paralysis etc.

Raktamokshan (bloodletting)

Raktamokshan is considered the best therapy in blood borne and Pitta Dosha diseases. It is the easy and fastest way of removal of toxins from the particular area or from the whole body. This treatment is useful for cleaning of blood and valuable in different skin infections, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, tumor, epistaxis, gouty arthritis and furthermore, in local lesions such as abscesses and pigmentation.

Why should one undergo a Panchakarma Therapy?

A Panchakarma process ought to be performed as per ailments and body type of individual. it is efficacious in preventing an individual from getting diseased in the future. Panchakarma is not only for people suffering from diseases but also for healthy people who wish to live long and in good health. Panchkarma helps in cleansing which allows you to rejuvenate the mind and body.

Why should one undergo a Panchakarma Therapy?

Kerala known to be the land of Ayurveda is a state that specializes in Panchkarma Therapies. You can visit VVAC, a Kerala-based establishment, to enjoy Kerala traditional massage in Baddi.

At VVAC you can experience the holistic wellness provided by the ancient practices along with the true essence of Kerala Ayurveda. Here Panchakarma is done under guidance and supervision of a properly trained Ayurvedic practitioner. Every individual receives this treatment in a customized fashion that takes into account their body type and any possible health problems.

Here specialized Panchkarma therapist uses the herbs and medicated oil which are primarily herbal extracts as prescribed in the old Ayurvedic texts. Vaidyaratnam has an Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit located in Thaikkattussery, Thrissur. They have cultivated more than 100 rare herbs and they formulate standardized products of the highest quality for Panchkarma Therapies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Light vegetarian diets are suggested during the Panchakarma treatment. After the process, depending upon the disease and body type, specific diet is prescribed.

Panchakarma helps to remove toxins from the body and one finds the lightness and relief in muscular stiffness. While Panchakarma can be quite effective in relaxing and revitalizing a healthy person and in diseased person, it may take some time to show effects.

Generally, one should go for Panchakarma procedure at least once every two years. In most of the cases, it depends on the disease of the person, body type and therapy prescribed.

It is recommended that the individual undergoing Panchakarma treatment relax in order to maximize the advantages.