Treat Your PTSD with Traditional Kerala Ayurveda

Treat Your PTSD with Traditional Kerala Ayurveda

How Ayurveda Treats PTSD ?

In Ayurveda, PTSD isn’t viewed as a single disease, but rather a manifestation of internal imbalances within the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and digestive fire (Agni). Each imbalance presents with distinct symptoms, and Ayurvedic treatment focuses on restoring balance and promoting emotional well-being.

What Treatments Do We Offer?

Ayurveda doesn’t offer a singular “cure” for PTSD, but it does provide holistic practices that complement conventional medical and therapeutic care to support individuals with PTSD. Here are key strategies Ayurveda employs:

Understanding Doshas and PTSD:

Ayurveda views PTSD as a manifestation of imbalances in the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each imbalance presents with distinct symptoms, and treatment focuses on restoring balance and promoting emotional well-being:

  • Excess Vata: This can manifest as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, hypervigilance, difficulty concentrating, and fear. Vata governs movement and circulation, and its excess creates mental chaos and instability, contributing to PTSD symptoms. Treatment focuses on calming Vata with warm, nourishing diet, calming practices like yoga and meditation, and herbs like Ashwagandha and Brahmi.
  • Excess Pitta: This might present as anger, irritability, aggression, hyperarousal, difficulty sleeping, and nightmares. Pitta is associated with fire and intensity, leading to emotional volatility and potential aggression, which can worsen PTSD symptoms. Treatment aims to cool Pitta with cooling fruits and vegetables, soothing practices like pranayama, and herbs like Guduchi and Neem.
  • Excess Kapha: This could manifest as numbness, apathy, withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulty expressing emotions. Kapha represents structure and heaviness, contributing to emotional blunting and potentially hindering the processing of trauma. Treatment focuses on stimulating Kapha with light, easily digestible foods, gentle exercise, and herbs like Triphala and Fenugreek.

Ayurvedic Treatment Strategies:

Important note: These approaches are meant to complement conventional medical and therapeutic care, not replace it. Consult a doctor and mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment management.

Dietary Adjustments:

  • Dosha-balancing foods: Consume foods specific to your unique dosha imbalance.
  • Avoid aggravating foods: Steer clear of foods that worsen your individual doshic imbalance.
  • Balanced and nutritious diet: Ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients for overall health and nervous system function.
  • Mindful eating: Practice mindful eating techniques to cultivate a healthy relationship with food and improve emotional regulation.

Herbal Remedies :

  • Nerve Tonics: Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, and Gotu Kola can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, reduce anxiety, and support nervous system healing.
  • Dosha-specific herbs: Specific herbs tailored to your dosha imbalance, like Ashwagandha for Vata, Guduchi for Pitta, and Triphala for Kapha, can further address specific symptoms.
  • Adaptogenic Herbs: Ashwagandha and Jatamansi can help manage stress and promote emotional resilience, benefiting individuals with PTSD.

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Our Consultation Process

Doctor Teleconsultation

During a tele-consultation, the ayurvedic doctor will ask you about your health condition, medical history, and current symptoms. Based on the information provided, the doctor will assess your health condition and provide a personalised treatment plan that may include herbal medicines, lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and other therapies.

Out Patient Department

During an OPD visit, an Ayurvedic doctor will assess your health condition, discuss your symptoms, and suggest a personalised treatment plan based on the principles of Ayurveda. The treatments may include herbal medicines, massages, yoga, meditation, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications.

In-Patient Services

During your stay at Vrindavan, you will be under the care of experienced ayurvedic doctors and therapists who will assess your health condition and design a personalized treatment plan for you. The treatments may include herbal medicines, massages, yoga, meditation, and dietary changes etc.

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About Vaidyaratnam

Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam is a renowned Ayurvedic healthcare facility, steeped in a rich heritage of centuries-old Ayurvedic wisdom. We offer comprehensive and authentic Ayurvedic treatment programs for a wide range of ailments, promoting holistic healing and well-being.

The Hospital is spread across 25 acres surrounded with 500 acres of forest. VAC is 100 Room IPD facility with various categories of well furnished rooms for patients along with state-of-the-art infrastructure related to panchakarma treatments / OPD and other facilities spread across the complex.

Our facility


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25 Acres Hospital Campus

Nestled in 250 Acres of Lush green Forest

Address- Village Thana EPIP Phase-2, Baddi, H.P

Phone No.- +91-7901778899